Teaching tips for parents
The world belongs to those who read
Do you consider English to be important? Does your child pick up sounds quickly and easily? Do they have an ear for languages? Well, that’s perfect! At "Read and Rhyme with Brown Owl", we live and love the English language. It is the reason why we have created our book series for young children and beginner learners. We want to help children take their first steps in learning English. Our stories are filled with rhymes simply because words that rhyme are easier to remember.
Preschool children first learn a language by hearing and repeating it (auditory). They accompany words with mimes and gestures (kinaesthetic). In primary school, expression and actions still play an important role when learning a language. However, children soon become interested in letters, reading independently (visual) and writing simple words and sentences (visual and kinaesthetic). The book series “Read and Rhyme with Brown Owl” appeals to as many senses as possible and helps children quickly feel at home with the new language.
Each of our books comes with a free booklet with teaching tips. You might find one or two ideas for activities at home in there as well. Feel free to tell your child’s teacher(s) about our books too!
This is what parents have to say about us:
Have some English books on your bookshelf for your child to choose from. You could even put a new selection of books out each week to keep your child interested.
Snuggle up with your child in a cosy place. Children will enjoy having your full attention. The more often you read aloud to them, the more natural and relaxed it will feel. Children are happy to listen to the same books over and over again without ever tiring of them.
Interact with your child whilst reading by adding small comments or asking questions: Oh look! There's a crab. Can you see it? Where is Brown Owl? Can you see the elephant?
Get more out of the stories by adding actions or sounds to the animals that you come across. Join in when the animals sing “Happy Birthday!” (Book 3) or “The Wheels on the Bus” (Book 4).
Read the words on the page out loud: “I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!” (Book 5).
Ask your child questions related to the story, for example, “Do you like vanilla ice cream too?” (Book 1). “What’s your favourite flavour?” (It’s perfectly normal if your child replies in their native tongue. Just repeat the answer in English. Your child will still be exposed to the English expression.)
Come up with actions when you encounter new words. This makes them easier to remember.
I'm sure your know the popular game "I spy" in your native language. It can be easily played in English: “I spy with my little eye, something (colour) ...”
We have also created games to accompany each of our books (pairs, dominoes, game cards for Snap/Old Maid/Happy Families etc.) that help consolidate vocabulary. Have a look at our resources on Eduki.
Here are some tutorials to show you how you can use actions:
An action song to teach zoo animals to young learners:
A clapping rhyme to go with the book "Brown Owl at the Seashore":
Rachel reading from "Brown Owl at the Zoo":
How to teach a birthday chant:
It is never too soon to start reading aloud to your children, no matter which language the books are written in. Whether English is your child’s first, second or even third language, young children are always ready to learn new things and are not afraid of new vocabulary.
Simple picture books are an excellent way to introduce children to the joy of reading in English. Reading aloud improves concentration, expands vocabulary and stimulates the imagination. Show your child that you are comfortable speaking English. And don’t worry – the rhymes in the Brown Owl stories make it easy to know how to pronounce a word.